The theme of the party was based off a book Teresa wants to write "The Birthday Mystery". So the cake is part of the series of books, since The birthday Mystery is book 7. We took them to the Market Place where they had to fine 4 familiar people. Each person had a clue, but in order to get the clue the girls had to do something funny. Then they had to decode those clues to give them directions to the next clue. That led them to a chair with gummy worms under it, which led them to the movie posters by the theater, which then took them to Carl's Jr. for lunch. Then on to a gift store to make key chains and then the final clue was a description of Harry Potter, and asked where he might be found. They came up with the the book store and there was the present, it had 4 gift cards in it for the girls to pick out a book. Then we raced back to the house to have cake and ice cream with the family.
The girls were told to come in disguise

Here they are decoding the first clues
Here is the cake

Nathan and Ian helped Teresa
1 comment:
sounds mysterious all right, i'm lost just reading about it. the girls look like they're having so much fun, how great.
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