Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First day of school at new schools

Both kids have big years. Teresa is a freshman at Frontier High School, and Nathan is in kindergarten at Rosedale North.

Let's start with Nathan... his class starts at 7:45 ends at 11:10(same as last year) He is very excited to be back in school, it hardly matters what they learn, he just loves being in school. Yesterday he said he learned that his class is noisy, but assured me he wasn't part of it.

Here he is with his parent folder. They don't use backpacks in K at RN.
They'll get blue book bags soon

After school with his teacher, Mrs. Zauner.
She's making sure all the kids get to the right parent

Teresa's classes start at 7:30, we actually left our house at 7am on Monday. I was impressed. She was pretty nervous up until her LINK crew person sent her a text wishing her good luck on the first day, then she was fine. She had a great day! She had something good to say about all of her classes.

Per. 1 - Advanced Women's Ensemble - she is a soprano 1
Per. 2 - Biology - She hasn't met her lab partner, he wasn't there. They did a questionnaire about the teacher, completely guessing things about him and she guessed the most and won a candy bar. She thought that was really cool
Per. 3  - P.E. - They sat around, which was cool because she has it the same period as quite a few of her friends
Per. 4 -Lunch - She said their cafeteria is so cool, it has booths and lots of different food options
Per. 5 -English - It's the subject she loves
Per. 6 - Algebra - This is a repeat of last years course per our request. She passed it last year, but we didn't think she actually understood it, so she agreed it would be best to try again and this time she's pretty confident she'll get it. She was impressed with all the different ways you can get help with math if you need it at FHS
Per. 7 - Spanish - turns out she knows of her teacher. Her kids take piano from Marisha. Teresa said the teacher talked in Spanish most of the time and she sort of understood - that made her happy.

All in all a great day - AND to top it off, a super cute ID Card


mnlop said...

Happy first weeks of school! Ours went well, too, except William got strep and missed the first two days :(

Jo said...

I'm so glad day one went well for Aidan, but poor Will.